mumble logoHey fellow shiny seekers! Are you ready to Mumble? If so, you can come chat with your fellow shiny addicts in Looking for Shinies’ spiffy new mumble server. Thanks to the donation of a couple amazing fans we have the server up and running now so we can group up and chitchat to our hearts’ delight.

Feel free to join in at:
port: 1387

Password is: shinies. Please note that general rules of courtesy apply on the server, and anyone being rude will have their shinies confiscated and be sent to their room. (Seriously, I’ll kick and ban folks who are unreasonable and disrespectful without even a twinge of guilt. So play nice!)

*Updated 13 January 2016 with new server information*

*Updated 1 February 2019: Server is discontinued as the host closed all personal accounts. Watch for Discord!*

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