tree 2
Have you ever heard of the saying, To the stubborn go the spoils? Well, that’s what it should say, because sheer stubbornness is seriously how I finally got through the my evil tree mission in The Secret World.

One of the great things about TSW is the fact that it’s not just a matter of grabbing a couple levels and going out to smash through things with the same skills you’ve been using all along. Here you have to tailor what you are going to use for what you are going to face! I love that even combat involves planning, paying attention, and strategy.  And if you don’t get things right the first time: step back, reevaluate, and readjust your plan of attack. Then, when victory is obtained, it’s all the sweeter. Nothing drove that point home better than this:

Watch live video from MJGuthrie on Twitch

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