Streamapalooza the SecondIt’s baaaaaaack! Not just fall. Not just school. The SUBtember streamapalooza Sub-athon on MJTV! (That’s more fun than school, right?) Welcome to our second year of this Looking for Shinies event. Last year’s was so much fun, and plenty of prizes were passed out to fellow seekers of all things shiny. Today will be more of the same: silly songs, fantastic friends, and goodies to get. We’re just about ready to go live today, September 19th: The fun starts at 1:00 p.m. EDT. Join us on Twitch at

Wondering why we’re having this second soirée? The Streamapalooza is one way to celebrate the amazing fans and viewers of MJTV like you! I seriously love our community, and who could so no to adding more friends to the mix! I’m also pretty keen on rewarding you for your awesomeness, so as in Streamapalooza’s past, I’ll be hosting a number of giveaways — while possibly forgoing chunks of gameplay to do so. And when we meet specific goals, we’ll toss in more giveaways!

Streamapalooza the Second DuckyDucky rewardsThere’s no set schedule, but I am open to suggestions for games to delve into. We might also pull up the Wheel of Shinies to pick a game or two. Today’s fun will kick off with AdventureQuest 3D. That said, we all know the main thing is to hang out, have fun, and fill your pockets with loot.

Ready for your loots? Here’s a sampling:

AQ3D DuckyDucky pet
Steam gift cards
AQ3D MJTV DuckyDucky cape
Steam game codes
Various game cosmetics
Warframe store items

There *might* be the possibility of a mini DuckyDucklette or two as well, but because of the situation going on out there in the world, physical prizes are being held back for a future steamapalooza.

Want to win? Then tune in to watch! Giveaways will happen throughout the stream, with additional giveaways added for meeting new follower and sub goals. So join in the fun. Hope to see you there. And may the Kittenz of Chaos bless you with their glorious house panther luck.

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